Tuesday 15 October 2013

How To Remove All Facebook Group Members In A Single Click

In my last post, I posted about new feature of Facebook via which no one can remove you from Facebook group if you are the main owner or creator of that group. So at the time of testing this feature through my script which will help us to remove all members in a single click, I observed this newly launched feature of Facebook. 

 I got lot of requests from by blog visitors regarding javascript for removing all group members in a single click because removing one by one member manually is not a easy deal so at last I created one.

Now lets come to the main part of this post that how is it possible to remove all members in a single click because Facebook does not have this feature yet. In my earlier posts I posted about Top 5 Facebook Javascripts  via which you can do lot of tough task in a easy way and in a quick time so at last I thought to create javascript for removing all members in a click and I got success too.

Steps To Follow For Removing All Members In A Click.

Note : Use this trick only in Mozilla Firefox Version 20.0 else it will not work.
  • Login to Facebook and visit your group in which you are admin.
    • Now its time to bookmark script, copy below given javascript and bookmark it in Mozilla Firefox Ver 20.0.

    • Now click on Members Counting Tab.

    • After clicking on Members Counting tab, you will be redirected to list of all group members.
    • Finally click on bookmark which you created in step 2.
    • Now you can see that your members are removing automatically.
    Still some bugs are there in this script so sometimes you will receive an popup error of " This User Is Not A Member Of This Group " , that means script is already removed that member and again its trying to remove same member .

    Now whenever you see this popup error, suddenly click on Ok in " This user is not a member of this group " popup then again quickly click on Cancel in " Are you sure want to remove this member " . 

    After clicking on OK and Cancel, you can see script is again working superbly without any error. Follow the same step whenever this error comes. 

    Tip for Fast Removing Members : Open Members tab in 2-3 tabs along with different categories like Members Join By Date, Members by name and run the script in all tabs so it will remove members quickly.

    Still trying to fix this bug so you guys can use it without any error. Feel free to comment below for any type of questions regards this script. Hope you love our trick and blog. Thanks for visiting this University Of Tricks ;)


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