Facebook is updating day by day and Desktop version of Facebook is updating quiet smoothly because lot of new features and updates are available in Desktop versions but in Mobile version its not updating regularly that means Facebook team is much more serious about desktop version comparing to mobile version. I am sure most of the time you guys tried to open Facebook Desktop version in Mobile because lot of other features are not available in mobile version or we can say the layout of Facebook Mobile is still old. Even most of us tried to open Facebook by adding WWW in mobile but that will also not work because if we add WWW also then it will get again redirected to Facebook mobile version i.e M.FACEBOOK.COM.
Trick is very simple and easy to use, here its just a task of single link and after opening below given link, you will redirected to desktop version and you can access all features of desktop from mobile.
Steps To Follow :
- Log in Facebook in mobile ( Preferably in Opera Or UC Browser ).
- Now manually type below given text in address bar and press Enter ??
- After typing above given link in your Facebook mobile , now can see a full desktop version.
- That's It !! Now enjoy surfing Facebook Desktop version in Mobile.
If still you are facing any issue or trick is not working for you, then comment below we will surely help you.
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