Tuesday 15 October 2013

How To Hide Your Personal Data In Notepad Without Using Any Software

We all got some secret things which we don't want to share with others , so if you are looking for something to hide your important texts from others without using any softwares then your search is end here. In Internet, a lot of softwares are available which will help you to hide your texts in notepad but in this tutorial I am going to guide about simple MS-DOS trick which will hide your text in notepad without using any third party softwares.

MS-DOS is one of the main weapon of Microsoft operating system via which we can do lot of tasks by following some commands. So in this tutorial also I am going to show you one tiny MS DOS command trick which will hide any text inside notepad.

Steps To Follow For Hiding Text In Notepad :

  • Goto Run and type CMD to open command prompt.
  • Here we are going to create a demo text file in desktop so type CD DESKTOP and press ENTER.
  • Now type NOTEPAD CSTRICKS.TXT:HIDDEN and press Enter.

You can use any name in the place of CSTRICKS.TXT but must use .txt extension because we are going to hide text in Notepad and .txt is extension of Notepad.

  • After pressing Enter, you will see a new popup window along with Notepad and it will ask you to confirmation for creating new text file in notepad. Click on YES.

  • Now write anything whatever you wanna hide inside notepad and finally save it.
  • Now goto Desktop and notepad which you just created. 
  • Bingo !! Now you can see a notepad without any text.

How To View Hidden Text :

Now whenever you want to see your hidden text of notepad again follow these steps to see ??

  • Goto CMD and again type NOTEPAD CSTRICKS.TXT:HIDDEN .
  • Now you can see your notepad file along with your own hidden texts.
I know this trick is quiet tiny comparing to other tricks of this blog :P , but our aim is to share each and every knowledge regards computer, afterall its a University Of Tricks :D

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