Saturday, 2 November 2013

Easiest Way To Skip Ads On Youtube

Advertisements are the backbone of any websites because its a part of earning way, even website like Facebook is dealing with advertisement . But WE, the normal internet users are never want to see any advertisement because it takes our lot of time and we never feel comfortable to surf any website along with crowd of advertisements. 

Now forget about all other advertisements and let's come to the advertisements of  Youtube because here in this tutorial I am going to guide you about bypassing Youtube advertisements by following one small trick.

Youtube is the paradise of videos because here you can find each and every type of videos which you want, but unfortunately most of he videos are forcing us to watch advertisement for atleast 5-10 secs and that will make us uncomfortable. So here I am going to show you one small script which will help you to skip any Youtube videos advertisement within a second.

Steps To Follow To Skip Youtube Advertisements :

Here in this post, we are going to use one script to skip youtube videos, you just have to paste below given script in console window of Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox whenever you want to skip any advertisement.

  • Now open your favourite video and wait for advertisements to come.
  • Press CTRL+SHIFT+J if you are using Google Chrome OR Press CTRL+SHIFT+K if you are using Mozilla Firefox and paste below given script in console window.

  • Finally press enter and let script do his work.
By following above trick, you can easily skip any advertisements of youtube in a second.

Hope you liked this trick. Comment below for further queries.


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