Saturday, 19 October 2013

How to Merge Two Facebook Pages [[ Working Worldwide ]]

Most of you already started to thought that its a old trick and even a kids can do this but let me remind you that no more Merge page option is available for all countries, this option is only available for some selected countries like US or UK. I am from India and I was searching for this option from last 10 days but didn't find it that means facebook does not allow us to merge pages. If you dont have believe then goto settings of your facebook page and search for Merege Duplicate pages option, I am sure you can't find. Follow below image for demo look which shows the comparison between  merge page option availability.

Note : You can only merge two pages of same name. Suppose you have two pages of same name like "CS Tricks" , then you can merge both pages so that both pages will convert in one page and all likes will be added in single page.

So, If you can't find any option of Merge Duplicate Pages then follow steps carefully for getting success in this trick.

  • At first you have to use TOR BROWSER for this trick, just download it from below link.

  • Now Login Facebook inside Tor browser and open your page.
  • Goto Page Info of your Facebook page and change the address field to below given address.
Address : 1020, 86th street
City/Town : Brooklyn, New York
Zip code : 35062

  • Now finally click on save Changes.
  • Now refresh page settings and look at the second last option of Merge Duplicate Pages.
  • After clicking on Merge Duplicate Pages, tick mark on your selected page and finally click on Merge Pages. Follow below given image for demo look.

  • Now wait for a minute and let both pages will merged.

Tricks You Can Do By Merging Two Pages :

1) You can remove any manager if you are content creator of same page : For getting success in this trick, create another page of same name in which you are content creator then finally merge you new page with old page . 

Note : Facebook will not allow you to create two pages of same name so create new page with fake ids and then promote your main ID as an admin.

2) You can create new Facebook page with around 10k likes in a minute : For getting success in this trick you have to convert your facebook ID into page, you can do it by following below link.

Convert Your Facebook ID Into Page 

If you have 2 facebook ids with 5k friends in each ids then just rename your id as per your choice of facebook page name and after converting ids into page, just migrate both pages. By following this, you can collect 10k likes within 10 minutes.

3) You can rename your page even after 200 likes : This trick is sometimes work and sometimes not, it totally depend upon your luck and speed of applying this trick.

Suppose you have a page  named CS Tricks with likes of 5000 and you want to change its name then create a new page with same name then update the address of that new page with above given UK address -- Open settings of both old and new page in two tabs -- Goto your old page settings tab and click on Migrate duplicate pages -- Now  move onto new page settings tab and rename it as per your choice -- Now quickly move onto old page settings tab and fast click on Migrate. If you do these slowly then you can't get any success.

Note : Above Trick Will Only Working In TOR Browser.

Hope this hidden tricks will help you a lot and I am sure most of you guys will face errors by following above mentioned tricks, so comment below for any types of queries.


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