Tuesday 1 October 2013

How to Create Disposable Website

After the amazing trick of Disposable Email Which Never Expires , here is another disposable trick which helps you to create disposable webpage as per your choice. Nowadays every newbies are trying to create their own website so this is the best way to start and learn about how to create and edit a webpage because it got all feature of editing, adding photos, adding links and much more things. You don't have to buy any hosting or domain for this, just signup and start designing your website and share it with your friends.

How It Works :

  • After visiting above link, create your account and verify it via email.
  • Now after successful verification, you will be redirected to home page of disposable webpage, just click on Create A Disposable Webpage.
  • Now put your website Title as per your choice and finally click on Create.

  • In next window you will be redirected to a page editor window where you can post text and photos as per your choice.

  • Unfortunately you can use your website upto 90 days that's why its called Disposable Webpage because you can't use it for lifetime.
  • If you want to use your website for short period of time then you can set date & time in Disposal tab.
  • By default the page will remain up for 90 days.
  • Finally click on Publish and note down the link of your disposable webpage from address bar and send it to your friends.
Hope you enjoyed this post of Disposable Webpage Creation , write your valuable comments for any type of queries.


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