Wednesday 23 October 2013

How To Change Facebook Page Name Even After 200 Likes

Here is another hidden Facebook page trick which is just discovered today only. Now you can change your Facebook page name even after if you crossed 200 likes also. Officially its not allowed by Facebook to change page name after 200 likes but as you all know that our blog is famous for doing some unofficial tricks of Facebook :P . Jokes apart, now come to the main point that how is it possible to change page name after 200 likes because no edit option is available in page settings. Don't worry here in this post I am going to guide you about this superb trick and this trick is easiest amongst all other trick of changing Facebook page names.

Thanks To Roshan, One Of Our Regular Blog Visitor For Sharing This Trick With Us !!

How to Change Facebook Page Name Even After 200 Likes :

  • Login Facebook and goto your Facebook page info tab.
  • Now goto category section and change category to LOCAL BUSINESS and sub category to BAR.
  • Now move onto the Address tab and change address to below given address of California.

Address : California
City/Town : California City

Zip Code : 90001

Now here comes the main trick 
  • Now you have to ask your friends to open your page link and tell them to suggest an edit and write a new name ( Tell your new page name which you want to keep ).
Didn't Understand ?? follow below given image for demo look ??

Note : You need 15 to 20 suggests request for changing your page name. Once 15-20 friends will suggest then you will get notification from Facebook regarding name change of your page.

You can use your fake ids for suggest an edit or ask your friends to do this for you. More quickly you follow these steps, more quickly you can change your page name.

Hope you love this hidden trick of changing Facebook page name. Comments will be appreciated !!


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