Saturday, 20 July 2013

[[ How To ]] Import All Contacts From Nokia Phone To Android Phone

Are you planning to upgrade your simple Nokia Phone into Android Phone ?? And wanna import your all contacts ?? But as we all know there is no direct function of importing all Nokia phone contacts to Android phone. But here in this tutorial I am going to guide you step by step way of doing this task in a simple way. Don't worry it is as easy like A,B,C.

Learn How to import all your contacts from Symbian Nokia phone to New Android Smartphone :

1) Firstly, you need Nokia PC Suite for performing this step. If you don't have then download it from below link.

To Export contacts using Nokia PC suite, open the software and connect to your Nokia phone through Bluetooth or Data cable. Once connected, follow below steps carefully.

  • Open the Contacts tab.
  • Click on All in the left panel or click on CTRL+A for selecting all contacts.
  • Now select File menu and finally click on Export Contacts.
  • Now your all contacts will be saved in desired folder as a .vcf format.

When you use the export option to import all your contacts from Nokia phone, each contact will be saved as separate .vcf file. However, when you try to import them into Google, you will have to do it one file at a time. If you have a lot of contacts, importing vCards one at a time will be a time consuming job. Google does not provide a bulk import option yet to import all your contacts at a time.

Now our task is to combine separate .vcf file into one single .vcf file.

Combine multiple .vcf file into one single file :

  • Open Command Prompt.
  • Navigate to the folder where your all .vcf files are stored.
  • Finally Run the following command : COPY *.VCF combined.VCF

Note : If you have .csv files, you can follow the same steps . Just use the command : copy *.csv combined.csv .

Now finally your task is to sync your all contacts to Google contacts .

How to Import all contacts to Google contacts :

  • Once you successfully followed all above steps, now you have single .vcf file containg lot of contacts.
  • Now Click Here and scroll down to the bottom on the leftbar and click on Import contacts.
  • When prompted to select .csv of .vcf file, choose the combine .VCF file which you created in the above step.
Finally it will start the process of importing, after successfully import just sync your google contacts to your Android phone.

Bravo !! You Dit It !! Now you have successfully imported your all Nokia phone contacts into android phone.


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