Saturday, 15 June 2013

Facebook Introduces New Hashtag Feature

Hello Facebookers !! Here comes good news that Facebook just announced that they are introducing new hashtag feature. Very small users are already enjoying this feature from last 2 days but don't worry Facebook will continue to roll out hashtags to more users in the coming weeks.

Hashtags are mainly a simple way to add topic tags to the content you post by adding a # symbol before a keyword.

Wanna Read full announcement which Facebook just introduced ??  Click Here  for full announcement.

Hashtags are now clickable on Facebook. Similar to other services like Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr, or Pinterest, hashtags on Facebook allow you to add context to a post or indicate that it is part of a larger discussion. When you click on a hashtag in Facebook, you�ll see a feed of what other people and Pages are saying about that event or topic.

Click Here For CS Tricks Hashtag.

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