Monday 21 November 2011

How to get Youtube's New Homepage

Some of us would heard that Google is testing Youtube's new homepage but it's not available yet to the public. Google has also integrated the youtube playlist at the right side of the Google+ Page. So to get the new test page of youtube follow the steps given below. Please note that this is being tested right now by Google.

  • Copy this code without the quotes "document.cookie='VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE=ST1Ti53r4fU";"
  • Open the Youtube Homepage.
  • Press Ctrl+Shift+J to open developer tools in chrome or if you are a Firefox user press Ctrl+Shift+K to open web console.
  • Now enter this code in the window that has poped-up as shown in the screenshot.
  • Now Reload the page, you will get the new Youtube's Page.

?? Screenshot of New Youtube's Home page ??

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