Tuesday 15 May 2012

Technology Facts

  • The First Domain Name ever registered was Symbolics.com
  • First four Countries to have Televisions are Englsnd, U.S, the U.S.S.R and Brazil.
  • Bill Gates house was designed using a Macintosh Computer.
  • The First Hard Drive available for the Apple ll had a capacity of only 5 Megabytes.
  • To have your picture taken by the very first camera you would have had to sit still for 8 hours.

  • Domain Names are being registered at a rate of more than one million names every month.
  • The First Computer Mouse was invented by Doug Engelbart in around 1964 and it was made up of wood.
  • The normal static electricity shock that zaps your finger when you touch a doorknob is usually between 10,000 and 30,000 volts.
  • If a car is travelling at 55 miles per hour then it will travel 56 feet before the driver can shift his foot from the accelerator to the brake.
  • Myspace reports over 110 million registered users; were it a country, it would be the tenth largest, just behind Mexico.
  • The average car produces a pound of pollution every 25 miles.
  • The oil used by jewellers to lubricate clocks and watches costs about $3000 a gallon.
  • The first alarm clock could only ring at 4 a.m.
  • By the year 2013 there will be approximately 18 billion devices connected to the internet.
  • The cigarette lighter invented before the Matches box.
  • There are approximately 1.06 billion instant messaging accounts world wide.
  • 80% of all pictures on the internet are of naked womens.
  • There are approximately 1,319,872,109 peoples are on the internet.
  • Jumbo jets use 4000 gallons of fuel to take off.

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